Jagvir Purewal

Jagvir is an Associate at Forresters and a UK Chartered Patent Attorney. His experience in protecting intellectual property has been on both sides of the coin. He oversaw the development of intumescent fire retardant coating technology as a technical manager in industry where I needed to ensure all relevant IP was captured. Jagvir now handles all aspects of handling patent work in diverse industries ranging from oil drilling and exploration, vehicle components and medical devices.

Previous to his commercial experience, Jagvir studied at the University of Birmingham where he was awarded a first class honours degree in physics with theoretical physics. He went on to complete my doctorate at the same university in theoretical condensed matter physics focusing on the area of optical lattices.

Jagvir also completed the Queen Mary Certificate of Intellectual Property and won the GlaxoSmithKline prize for the best performance in patent exams.

He joined Forresters in 2012 after spending time in industry and enjoy the variety of intellectual challenges that arise in IP, where legal and commercial complexities are often intertwined with technical problems and inventions.
