Oliver Rothschild

Oliver is known for philanthropy as Patron and Promoter of the Arts and Charitable causes, his international network of connections crosses over both the Arts and the Sciences but also embraces and promotes social enterprise.

His media involvements include presenting programmes for the BBC and Channel 4 and co-production of a BBC series. Oliver is also involved with numerous charities as Patron and Ambassador and has held several key positions including Chairman of UNICEF (Appeals Committee); he is now President of ACEVO Solutions.

Fluent in French, German, Spanish and Italian, Oliver is actively developing business opportunities throughout the US and Europe including the former Eastern European Block countries.

Chairman of the following companies:

Oliver is Non Executive Chairman or Director of:

Oliver has been elected The Senior Entrepreneur Fellow of Essex University and Chairs the Industry & Entrepreneurs Forum and The Sustainable Business Steering Group. He is invited as a VIP Delegate to UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe), and inaugurated The Council of Atomium Culture Conference.
